Dick’s Kitchen and Dick's Primal Burger are paleo-focused burger joints with organic, free-range, grass-fed, grass-finished beef and locally-sourced ingredients.
Dick’s Kitchen and Primal Burger are serious about healthy food, but don’t want to be seen as a traditional “health food” restaurants. Both restaurants have a playful and even somewhat risqué attitude in their messaging and marketing.
The owner, Richard Satnick, wanted Dick’s Kitchen to have a New York diner vibe, but not so by-the-book that it restrained his creativity (which he has in abundance). Richard is a huge toy and comic collector, perpetual punster, Frank Zappa fan, and a paleo food advocate, so the brands are eclectic to say the least. It was our job to turn it all into a cohesive identity.
For the Primal Burger logo we wanted to design something that was a quick read and really got the point across. We used the flame to indicate the paleo aspect, but also tie back to the Dick’s Kitchen logo.